Big Swinging Blog
The online home of Jeff & Alex, a gay couple from central NJ
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Olbermann's Latest
Damn! Olbermann is on a tear! Check it out:
It needed to be said, and I'm damn glad he said it so well. I hope the bigwigs at MSNBC don't decide to can him for disturbing the status quo. From what I've read, his ratings are doing well. MyDD has a good post about it. Check it out! Also, there is a transcript and better quality video at Crooks and Liars
Kirk/Spock Slash Video (No, not that kind. Sickos.)
I saw this oddly cool video linked off of Boing Boing. It's a weird slash fiction takeoff in video form. Slash fiction is a story typically written by a fan which involves romantic relationships with well known charcters from TV, movies or books. Oddly enough, the stories are more often than not gay stories, but are more often than not written by women. The term "slash" comes from the use of the slash between the names, e.g. Kirk/Spock or Batman/Robin. This one uses the Nine Inch Nails song Closer as the music and visual style. It's surprisingly well done. Enjoy!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Geek Humor

Check out XKCD, A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. While I was making the rounds, I ran across the Nerd Test, which of course I had to take. And the results? Hah! As if there was any doubt.
No doubt I lost points for having a significant other, going out on a Friday night, and not living at home with my parents.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I Never Thought of Using a Treadmill That Way
I hadn't heard of the band OK Go until this past week. They've got some really cool quirky self made videos that are making the rounds on the YouTube. Check this one out:
I like their music as well. They've got that retro-pop vibe going on, like The Vines, The White Stripes, and The Hives. I think I'll see what they have up on iTunes - maybe I'll buy some. Gee, maybe we're seeing the future of the music industry, and it doesn't involve the major labels.
Loving Life at the Moment
* Snouse: a Pennsylvania Dutch term for a picky eater. The hubby is from Lancaster, PA, the heart of Amish country. I've been picking up the lingo from him.
Whaddaya know, Olbermann does it again. My sister has been telling me for a while that I should watch his show. Perhaps she's right.
Random Observations - Opening Bands
I remember noticing before the show started that Zwan's equipment on the sides of the stage was covered in black tarps and the stage had a harp in the middle, and not much else. Hmm, that's odd. So someone comes out and introduces Children's Hour as "Billy Corgan's favorite band." Gee, with an intro like that, they must rock, right? Sadly, no. They were a singer/songwriter folk/rock act - the harp, a guitar, and other assorted folksy kinda instruments. If they were in a nice small venue playing to an appreciative audience, I'm sure they would be a good act to see. However, the wispy sound drifting around in the Electric Factory was just painful. By the 2nd or 3rd song people started shouting "you suck!" By the 5th or 6th song, people started throwing stuff (OK, that explains the tarps). They soldiered on to finish their set, but it was really just getting it over with. They got off the stage to everyone's relief, Zwan's crew came out and set up, and then a miffed Billy Corgan came out and got on with the show, which was awesome! It a shame that Zwan didn't last, cause they seriously rocked the Electric Factory that night.
So here's an open note to artists and concert promoters: I know you'd like to showcase talented young bands, and perhaps help promote friends. However, we learned a long time ago that even when the opening act is actually good, like say Jimi Hendrix, you still can't reasonably expect a crowd with different tastes, like say fans of The Monkees, to warm up to something that just isn't their taste. And when the band sucks, well, they just suck. Just saying.